Kubectl Drain: How to Drain a Node in Kubernetes

how to drain a node in Kubernetes

Node draining is the process of safely evicting all pods from a Kubernetes node. This is typically done for maintenance tasks, scaling down the cluster, or decommissioning a node. The kubectl drain command is used to achieve this, ensuring that the pods are rescheduled on other nodes in the cluster.

This guide provides an in-depth tutorial on how to drain a node in Kubernetes safely.

Understanding Node Draining

When you drain a node, Kubernetes safely evicts all pods from the node, respecting the PodDisruptionBudget and ensuring that critical applications remain available. The process involves:

  • Cordoning the node to prevent new pods from being scheduled.
  • Evicting all pods, including managed pods (like those controlled by Deployments, ReplicaSets, etc.) and unmanaged pods (like those created directly without a controller).

Preparing for Node Drain

1. Before draining a node, verify the status of the node you intend to drain. This helps you ensure the node is healthy and currently schedulable.

 # kubectl get nodes

This command lists all nodes in the Kubernetes cluster.

node-1 Ready 10d v1.20.4
node-2 Ready 10d v1.20.4
node-3 Ready 10d v1.20.4

2. List all pods running on the node to understand the impact of draining it. This command shows which pods will be evicted during the draining process.

 # kubectl get pods --all-namespaces --field-selector spec.nodeName=node-name

This command retrieves all pods running on the specified node. This helps identify which applications and services will be affected by the node drain.

NAMESPACE     NAME                          READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
default       my-app-1                      1/1     Running   0          3d
default       my-app-2                      1/1     Running   0          3d
kube-system   kube-proxy-node-1             1/1     Running   0          10d

3. Ensure that your applications have appropriate PodDisruptionBudgets configured to maintain availability during the draining process.

 # kubectl get poddisruptionbudgets

This command lists all PodDisruptionBudgets in the cluster. This information helps ensure that draining the node won’t violate the application’s availability requirements.

my-app-pdb    1               N/A               1                     5d

Draining a Node

1. Cordon the Node

Cordoning the node prevents new pods from being scheduled. This is the first step in the draining process to isolate the node.

 # kubectl cordon node-name

This command marks the node as unscheduled, meaning no new pods will be scheduled on it.

node/node-1 cordoned

The output confirms that the node has been successfully cordoned, indicating it is now isolated for draining.

2. Drain the Node

Draining the node evicts all pods from it. This command ensures that all pods are safely rescheduled to other nodes.

 # kubectl drain node-name --ignore-daemonsets --delete-emptydir-data

The command starts the process of evicting all pods from the node. The output shows which pods are being evicted and confirms their eviction. DaemonSet-managed pods are ignored because they are expected to run on all nodes, and pods using emptyDir volumes are forcibly deleted.

node/node-1 already cordoned
WARNING: ignoring DaemonSet-managed pods: kube-system/kube-proxy-node-1
evicting pod default/my-app-1
evicting pod default/my-app-2
pod/my-app-1 evicted
pod/my-app-2 evicted

Command Breakdown:

  • –ignore-daemonsets: DaemonSet pods are not evicted because they are expected to run on every node.
  • –delete-emptydir-data: This flag forces deletion of pods that use emptyDir volumes, which might otherwise block the drain.

Monitoring the Drain Process

1. Check Node Status

Ensure the node is in a drained state and unschedulable.

 # kubectl get nodes

The command lists all nodes and their statuses. The drained node should have a status of “Ready,SchedulingDisabled,” indicating that it is still healthy but not accepting new pods. This confirms the node has been successfully drained.

NAME              STATUS                     ROLES    AGE   VERSION
node-1            Ready,SchedulingDisabled      10d   v1.20.4
node-2            Ready                         10d   v1.20.4
node-3            Ready                         10d   v1.20.4

2. Monitor Evicted Pods

Check the status of the evicted pods to ensure they are rescheduled on other nodes.

 # kubectl get pods --all-namespaces

The output helps verify that the evicted pods have been rescheduled on other nodes, ensuring the applications remain running and available.

NAMESPACE     NAME                          READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
default       my-app-1                      1/1     Running   0          5m
default       my-app-2                      1/1     Running   0          5m
kube-system   kube-proxy-node-2             1/1     Running   0          10d

3. Event Logs

Review event logs to track the draining process and any issues that may have occurred.

 # kubectl describe node node-name

This command provides detailed information about the node, including recent events and conditions. The output helps track the draining process, check for any issues, and confirm the node’s status after draining.

Name:               node-1
CreationTimestamp:  ...
  Type             Status  LastHeartbeatTime            LastTransitionTime            Reason             Message
  ----             ------  -----------------            ------------------            ------             -------
  Ready            False   2024-07-09T12:00:00Z         2024-07-09T12:00:00Z         KubeletReady       kubelet is posting ready status

Managing Drained Nodes

Once the node is drained, you can perform maintenance tasks. After maintenance, you can uncordon the node to make it schedulable again.

Uncordoning the node allows new pods to be scheduled.

 # kubectl uncordon node-name

This command marks the node as schedulable again. The output confirms that the node has been successfully uncordoned, indicating it is ready to accept new pods and participate fully in the cluster again.

node/node-1 uncordoned

Common Errors and Their Solutions

Error 1: Pod Eviction Timed Out

Description: When trying to drain a node, you might encounter an error where the eviction of a pod times out.


This usually happens if the pod cannot be safely evicted due to constraints such as PodDisruptionBudget or if it is taking too long to terminate. To address this, you can:

1. Increase Timeout:

 # kubectl drain node-name --timeout=5m

This command increases the timeout period, giving the pods more time to terminate gracefully.

2. Force Eviction:

If safe to do so, you can force the eviction.

 # kubectl drain node-name --force --grace-period=30

This command forces the eviction of the pods, reducing the grace period to 30 seconds.

Error 2: DaemonSet Pods Are Not Evicted

Description: DaemonSet pods are not evicted by default when draining a node.


This behavior is expected as DaemonSet pods are designed to run on every node. To ignore DaemonSet pods during draining, use:

 # kubectl drain node-name --ignore-daemonsets

This command allows the drain operation to proceed without evicting DaemonSet-managed pods.

Error 3: Pod with local storage not evicted

Description: Pods using emptyDir volumes are not evicted by default.


To force eviction of these pods, use the –delete-emptydir-data flag.

 # kubectl drain node-name --delete-emptydir-data

This command forces the deletion of pods that use emptyDir volumes, ensuring the node can be drained.

Error 4: Insufficient Cluster Capacity

Description: If the cluster does not have enough resources to reschedule the evicted pods, the drain operation might fail.


Check cluster capacity and ensure there are enough resources (CPU, memory) to accommodate the evicted pods on other nodes. Consider adding more nodes to the cluster or freeing up resources.

Error 5: Stuck in Cordoned State

Description: After cordoning a node, you might find it stuck in a cordoned state and unable to be drained.


Check for any pending operations or pods that cannot be evicted. Resolve any issues and then proceed with draining. If necessary, uncordon and cordon the node again.

 # kubectl uncordon node-name && kubectl cordon node-name

This sequence of commands uncordons the node and then cordons it again, helping to reset the state and allow for successful draining.


Draining nodes in Kubernetes is crucial for maintaining cluster health and performing maintenance tasks. By following the steps outlined in this guide, you can safely drain nodes while ensuring minimal application disruption. Always follow best practices and monitor the process to maintain a smooth and efficient operation.


1. Can I drain a node without affecting DaemonSet pods?

Yes, by default, kubectl drain ignores DaemonSet pods, so they will continue running on the node.

2. How do I make a node schedulable again after draining it?

You can make the node schedulable again by running: kubectl uncordon node_name

3. What’s the difference between kubectl cordon and kubectl drain?

kubectl cordon marks the node as unschedulable but doesn't evict any pods. While kubectl drain marks the node as unschedulable and evicts all non-DaemonSet pods.

4. What should I do if a node fails to drain properly?

If a node fails to drain, ensure that there are no pods stuck in a terminating state. You may need to use the --force flag to forcibly evict them.

About Hitesh Jethva

Experienced Technical writer, DevOps professional with a demonstrated history of working in the information technology and services industry. Skilled in Game server hosting, AWS, Jenkins, Ansible, Docker, Kubernetes, Web server, Security, Proxy, Iptables, Linux System Administration, Domain Name System (DNS), and Technical Writing.

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