kubectl cp Command: How to Copy Files to and from Kubernetes Pods

copy files to and from kubernetes pods using kubectl

Copying files between your local system and Kubernetes pods is a common task for developers and system administrators. Kubernetes provides a handy kubectl command called kubectl cp to facilitate this operation.

This guide will walk you through the detailed process of using kubectl cp to copy files to and from Kubernetes pods.

Basic Syntax of kubectl cp

The basic syntax of the kubectl cp command is as follows:

 # kubectl cp source destination

The source and destination can be either a local path or a pod path in the format pod-name:container-path.

Copying Files from the Local System to a Pod

To copy a file from your local system to a pod, use the following command:

 # kubectl cp /local/path/to/file pod-name:/path/in/pod


Suppose you have a file named example.txt on your local system that you want to copy to a pod named my-pod in the default namespace:

 # kubectl cp ./example.txt my-pod:/tmp/example.txt

Copying Files from a Pod to Local System

To copy a file from a pod to your local system, use the following command:

 # kubectl cp pod-name:/path/in/pod /local/path/to/file


If you want to copy a file named example.txt from the /tmp directory in the pod my-pod to your local system:

 # kubectl cp my-pod:/tmp/example.txt ./example.txt

This command copies the file example.txt from the /tmp directory in the pod my-pod to the current directory on your local machine.

Copying Directories

You can also copy entire directories using kubectl cp. Use the same syntax as copying files, but specify the directory path instead.


To copy a local directory named data to a pod:

 # kubectl cp ./data my-pod:/tmp/data

If you want to copy a directory from a pod to your local system:

 # kubectl cp my-pod:/tmp/data ./data

This command will transfer all files and subdirectories within data to the /tmp/data directory in my-pod.

Specifying Namespace

If your pod is in a specific namespace, you need to include the namespace in the command:

 # kubectl cp /local/path/to/file namespace/pod-name:/path/in/pod


When your pod resides in a specific namespace, you include the namespace in the command to target the pod properly. This ensures the file copy operation is directed to the correct pod within the specified namespace.

 # kubectl cp ./example.txt my-namespace/my-pod:/tmp/example.txt

This command copies example.txt to the /tmp directory in my-pod within the my-namespace namespace.

Copying Files to/from Specific Containers in a Pod

If your pod has multiple containers and you need to copy files to/from a specific container, you can specify the container name using the -c flag:

 # kubectl cp /local/path/to/file pod-name:/path/in/pod -c container-name


For pods with multiple containers, you can specify the target container for the file operation using the -c flag. This command copies a file to or from a specific container within a pod.

 # kubectl cp ./example.txt my-pod:/tmp/example.txt -c my-container

This will copies example.txt to the /tmp directory in the container my-container within my-pod.

Handling File Permissions

When copying files, the original file permissions are preserved. However, if you encounter permission issues after copying, you might need to adjust the file permissions.


To set permissions for a file copied to a pod:

 # kubectl exec my-pod -- chmod 755 /tmp/example.txt

This command sets the file permissions of example.txt in the /tmp directory of my-pod to 755, allowing read, write, and execute permissions for the owner, and read and execute permissions for others.

Error Handling and Troubleshooting

Here are some common issues and how to resolve them:

  • File/Directory Not Found: Ensure that the source file or directory exists and the path is correct.
  • Permission Denied: Check the permissions of the destination directory in the pod and ensure the user has write permissions.
  • Pod Not Found: Verify that the pod name and namespace are correct and that the pod is running.


The kubectl cp command is a powerful tool for copying files and directories to and from Kubernetes pods. By following this guide, you should be able to perform file operations efficiently. Always ensure that you have the necessary permissions and paths correctly specified to avoid common issues.


1. Do I need root access inside the pod to copy files?

Not necessarily, but you must have permission to access the files and directories within the pod.

2. Is it possible to copy directories between a pod and my local machine?

Yes, you can copy entire directories using the kubectl cp command, just specify the directory path.

3. What happens if the pod has multiple containers?

You must specify the container name with the -c flag if the pod contains multiple containers.

4. Can I copy files between two pods directly?

No, kubectl cp cannot copy files directly between pods. You need to copy files to your local machine first, then to the second pod.

About Hitesh Jethva

Experienced Technical writer, DevOps professional with a demonstrated history of working in the information technology and services industry. Skilled in Game server hosting, AWS, Jenkins, Ansible, Docker, Kubernetes, Web server, Security, Proxy, Iptables, Linux System Administration, Domain Name System (DNS), and Technical Writing.

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