Monitoring Docker: What to Look Out For

monitor docker container

One thing that drives IT admins bonkers with Docker is its complex onion-layered infrastructure. The same layers that make it easy to scale the containers, move them without any hassles, and help automate microservices architectures, are also a pain while monitoring and managing the infrastructure.

Many IT admins resort to technologies like Docker CLI and Prometheus to monitor the behavior and health of their Docker instances, but a significant percentage of their attempts to keep them running at optimum performance are futile because of the gaps in the monitoring interfaces.

Network admins should look for the ideal monitoring tool for their Docker environment, and here is what can happen if a Docker infrastructure is not monitored the correct way:

  • Improper resource allocation: If resources like CPU, memory, or disk are not allocated based on the predicted load on each container individually, some of the containers might use up excessive resources and cause the other containers to slowdown or even crash due to lack of resources. Without optimized resource allocation and an accurate alerting system, admins might face severe issues regarding resource utilization.
  • Slow response time and crashes: If queries and data requests are not tracked and admins are not alerted on bottlenecks, the instances experiencing heavy traffic will slow down one by one. This might affect the overall performance and result in an increased mean time to repair, affecting user experience.
  • Scalability issues: Docker containers replicate at an unpredictable rate, depending on the necessity and load. If poorly informed on workload patterns and application requisites due to partial visibility into the architecture, admins would not be able to get a clear idea about the population of containers at a given time. This makes it difficult for them to scale the containers accurately. Improper scaling of the containers could eventually lead to increased downtime and even container crashes.
  • High mean time to detect and mean time to repair: It is tedious to manually fish through a humongous IT mesh like Docker to unveil the root cause of issues. When not monitored by a proper monitoring interface, poor visibility blurs the vision of the admin into the environment and makes it difficult to locate issues. This can cost the admin a significant amount of time to get notified about an issue, analyze the root cause, and resolve it. It is also more likely the end user will experience issues that directly impact metrics like Apdex score.

Even after knowing the consequences of poor visibility and alerting, admins often ask: “Why use a dedicated monitoring tool?”

One reason is to avoid having to modify commands and analyze raw data for each issue. Manual data collection and behavior analysis is less efficient than utilizing a dedicated monitoring tool. The second reason is that without an efficient alerting system and escalation, admins might not know about an issue unless it is reported. There is no way they can stay alerted about potential resource outages and bottlenecks without proper escalation. An ideal monitoring tool will provide you with visibility, actionable insights, and the capability to monitor your entire IT infrastructure proactively–including your Docker environment.

Features your monitoring tool should provide for your Docker environment:

  • Comprehensive visibility: Monitoring is all about visibility. The tool you choose should be able to give you deep-rooted insights at code-level to make it easy for you to dig down, resolve issues, and eliminate slow-performing codes and algorithms.
  • Technique-rich catalog: Specific features for monitoring that are powered by AI are available in the market. Such techniques are not only accurate, but also play a crucial role in boosting the efficiency of an IT environment. Look for features that eliminate false alarms and reduce alert noise. Too much noise can lead to alert fatigue and might make you miss some critical alerts.
  • One interface, just one: Choose a tool that comes with a centralized interface for all your monitoring needs so that you can avoid switching between multiple tabs and eliminate manually mapping the dependencies. The tool should provide you with insights on metrics like queries, data requests, packets, and container status in real time.
  • Forecasting capabilities: Utilize a tool that provides you with performance reports and forecast performance trends so you are aware of the behavior of your IT. The statistics on key performance indicators keep you informed about the rate at which the necessity for resources is varying. Resources like containers, CPU, memory and disk space will be exhausted in time, if not upgraded frequently. Forecasting the requirement for these resources helps with planning and upgrading your resources efficiently.
  • Manual and automated controls: Your monitoring tool should provide the necessary controls, like start and stop actions, in manual as well as automated modes. This enables the admin to have a firm grip on the operations of the tool, while letting it do its job.
  • Scalability and flexibility: Relying on a command line interface to control your Docker environment is problematic. When demand increases significantly and you need your infrastructure to expand, a scalable and flexible monitoring tool will ensure you can properly manage and monitor your Docker as well as your IT environment.

One tool that helps with the monitoring challenges you face is ManageEngine Applications Manager. Serving as a veteran player in the industry for over 15 years, this solution provides monitoring support for more than 150 enterprise technologies. Its versatility and wide-ranging capabilities make it an ideal choice for businesses of all sizes and in all industries. Check out Applications Manager’s free, fully featured, 30-day trial version to set if it suites your requirements.

About Hitesh Jethva

I am Hitesh Jethva Founder and Author at I felt in love with Linux when i was started to learn Linux. I am a fan of open source technology and have more than 15+ years of experience in Linux and Open Source technologies.

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