Troubleshoot Playbooks with Ansible Debug Module

Ansible debug Module Examples

Ansible playbooks can become complex when managing intricate configurations and deployments. Troubleshooting such playbooks is critical to ensure a smooth workflow. The Ansible Debug Module is an essential tool to debug and gain insights into playbook execution.

This article will guide you through using the Ansible debug module effectively, with practical examples.

Introduction to the Ansible Debug Module

The debug module allows you to print messages, variable values, and other data during playbook execution. It is commonly used for troubleshooting errors, verifying values, and ensuring the proper flow of playbooks.

Key Features:

  • Print variable values.
  • Display custom messages.
  • Control output conditionally.

Syntax and Basic Usage

Here is the basic syntax:

- name: Name of the playbook
  hosts: target_host_or_group
  become: true
    - name: Task name
        msg: "Your debug message"

Common Parameters:

  • msg: Custom message or variable to print.
  • var: Print a variable’s value.
  • verbosity: Control when the debug message is displayed based on the verbosity level.

Example 1 – Debugging Variables

You can use the debug module to display the value of any variable.

This example playbook sets a variable my_variable to “Hello, Ansible!” using set_fact, and then displays its value.

- name: Debug variables
  hosts: localhost
    - name: Set a variable
        my_variable: "Hello, Ansible!"

    - name: Debug the variable
        var: my_variable

When you run the above playbook, you will see the below output:

TASK [Debug the variable] ****************************************************************
ok: [localhost] => {
    "my_variable": "Hello, Ansible!"

Example 2 – Conditional Debugging

You can also use when condition to display information only when certain conditions are met.

This playbook sets the variable my_status to “success” and conditionally displays the message “The task was successful!” using the debug module, but only if my_status equals “success.”

- name: Conditional Debug
  hosts: localhost
    - name: Set a variable
        my_status: "success"

    - name: Debug only if my_status is success
        msg: "The task was successful!"
      when: my_status == "success"

Example 3 – Debugging Registered Variables

You can inspect variables registered from previous tasks. This is useful for troubleshooting or validating task outputs during playbook execution.

This playbook runs a shell command (echo “Hello, World!”), registers its output as command_output, and then displays the command’s standard output (stdout).

- name: Debug registered variables
  hosts: localhost
    - name: Run a shell command
      command: echo "Hello, World!"
      register: command_output

    - name: Debug registered output
        var: command_output.stdout

Example 4 – Use Verbosity for Sensitive Variables

By default, the debug module shows the output unconditionally. However, when working with sensitive data, you can:

  • Use verbosity levels to control when the data is shown.
  • Mask or hide sensitive variables.

The verbosity parameter allows you to specify verbosity. This ensures that sensitive information is only displayed when running the playbook with higher verbosity (-v, -vv, etc.).

This example displays a sensitive variable (sensitive_data) , ensuring it is only shown when the playbook is run with a verbosity level of -vv or higher.

- name: Example to show sensitive variable with verbosity
  hosts: localhost
    sensitive_data: "SuperSecretPassword"
    - name: Show sensitive data only with verbosity
        msg: "Sensitive Data: {{ sensitive_data }}"
        verbosity: 2

You can also use no_log: true at the task level to ensure the sensitive data isn’t logged or displayed.


The debug module is a versatile tool for troubleshooting Ansible playbooks. It enables you to inspect variables, examine host facts, and track the flow of playbook execution. Start using the debug module in your playbooks today to reduce errors and improve your automation workflows!


1. Can I debug loops in Ansible playbooks?

Yes, you can use the debug module inside a loop to print the value of each item being processed.

2. Is it possible to pause execution after printing debug messages?

Yes, combine the debug module with the pause module to halt execution for inspection.

3. What’s the difference between msg and var in the debug module?

Use msg to display custom messages and var to print the value of a specific variable.

About Hitesh Jethva

I am Hitesh Jethva Founder and Author at I felt in love with Linux when i was started to learn Linux. I am a fan of open source technology and have more than 15+ years of experience in Linux and Open Source technologies.

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